Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20

Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20
École Publique Duke of Connaught

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Social Studies Homework for Monday

As I informed you earlier, in Social Studies, students and I have been exploring rules and responsibilities that we need to know and to follow in different settings ( home, school, library, grocery store) or situations (recess, at the dinner table, talking to an adult). We also discussed how our rules and responsibilities change with time: as we grow older, we have more responsibilities.
This Monday, students will talk about the responsibilities that they have at home. I asked them to draw a picture of one or a couple of rules or responsibilities that they follow at home and prepare to talk about them in class. They can draw their picture on the last ( blank) page of the homework.
Please remind them to do so.
Thank you.

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