Bienvenue à bord! Ici on apprend, on réfléchit, on discute, on cherche des résolutions, on s'amuse ensemble. En route vers les connaissances! Welcome aboard! Here, we learn, think, solve and have fun together. Off we go to hunt for knowledge!
Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20

École Publique Duke of Connaught
Saturday, 27 September 2014
As you know, in class, we have started our Phonics programme. Students are learning to read in French by sounding out letters, putting them into syllables (les syllables), syllables into words ( les mots), words into sentences ( phrases). Also, they are learning to comprehend what they read. Here are our class learning goals in reading:
When your child reads at home, please remind him or her about the importance of sounding out, putting syllables into words, reading sentences with the right intonation. In class, I teach them to use certain strategies in order to be successful readers and always ask if they used all the strategies they know to read and understand. Actually, these strategies are our success criteria in reading.

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