Est-ce que je peux..?
May I..?
Est-ce que je peux tailler mon crayon?
May I sharpen my pencil?
Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?
May I go to the washroom?
Est-ce que je peux aller aux objets perdus?
May I go to the Lost and Found?
Est-ce que je peux aller boire?
May I go to get a drink?
J'ai faim.
I am hungry.
J'ai soif.
I am thirsty.
J'ai besoin d'aide.
I need help.
J'ai mal à ...
It hurts...
Je veux...
I want...
Comment dit-on en français?
How do you say in French?
Comment écrit-on en français?
How do you write in French?
I am sorry.
Voici mon devoir.
Here's my homework.
J'ai fini mon travail.
I finished my work.
Est-ce que je peux..?
May I..?
Est-ce que je peux tailler mon crayon?
May I sharpen my pencil?
Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?
May I go to the washroom?
Est-ce que je peux aller aux objets perdus?
May I go to the Lost and Found?
Est-ce que je peux aller boire?
May I go to get a drink?
J'ai faim.
I am hungry.
J'ai soif.
I am thirsty.
J'ai besoin d'aide.
I need help.
J'ai mal à ...
It hurts...
Je veux...
I want...
Comment dit-on en français?
How do you say in French?
Comment écrit-on en français?
How do you write in French?
I am sorry.
Voici mon devoir.
Here's my homework.
J'ai fini mon travail.
I finished my work.
A student presenting "Le calendrier" needs to say the following:
1. Quelle date sommes-nous aujourd'hui? What date is it today?
2. Nous sommes (jour de semaine), le ( date, mois, année) aujourd'hui.
It is (day of week), the (date, month, year).
It is (day of week), the (date, month, year).
3. Quelle date était - il hier? What date was it yesterday?
4. Hier , il était (jour de semaine), le ( date, mois, année).
Yesterday it was (day of week), the (date, month, year).
5. Quelle date sera -t- il demain? What date will it be tomorrow?
6. Demain il sera (jour de semaine), le ( date, mois, année).
Tomorrow it will be (day of week), the (date, month, year).
Next: Weather Chart.
The Student reads the question:
Quel temps fait - il aujourd'hui? What is the weather like today?
Quel temps fait - il aujourd'hui? What is the weather like today?
Aujourd'hui il fait ... Today it is ...
S/he says and finds the card with the word:
beau - nice
beau - nice
soleil - sunny
nuageux - cloudy
chaud - hot
froid - cold
Also, Il pleut. (It's raining.) and Il neige. (It's snowing)
Next: Dressing Froggie Chloé
The Student needs to dress our Froggie Chloé according to the weather.
The Student reads the question:
La grenouille, qu'est-ce qu'elle porte? What is the Froggir wearing?
The Student needs to dress our Froggie Chloé according to the weather.
The Student reads the question:
La grenouille, qu'est-ce qu'elle porte? What is the Froggir wearing?
The answer is:
La grenouilles porte... The Froggie is wearing...
La grenouilles porte... The Froggie is wearing...
The Student names the clothing items that Froggie needs for that day's weather.
Next: Language
Next: Language
The Student continues with reading a sentence from
Est-ce qu'on dit en français?/Do-we-say-so-in-French Chart?
Comment dit - on en français?How do you say this in French?
Est-ce qu'on dit en français?/Do-we-say-so-in-French Chart?
Comment dit - on en français?How do you say this in French?
Last: Je raconte ma comptine.
The Student needs to choose and read in French one of the little poems that we learn in class.
The Student needs to choose and read in French one of the little poems that we learn in class.
This concludes Le Calendrier activity. Overall time spent on each activity is supposed to be 4-5 minutes in order to get Level 4.