Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Thank you to all of you for supporting our Grade 1 French Immersion programme at home.
Weekly homework and Montre et raconte sessions are well done by
all of the students. Bravo!
In October, we will continue to focus on phonics in our language programme. New little sound-of-the-week songs will be sung. We will keep learning reading and writing through our morning messages, sound of the week posters, leveled books, journals, little comptines. Please continue to remind your child when it is her/his Montre et raconte presentation day. You can find it in your child’s agenda. The program helps us promote speaking skills in French. It is crucial that your child regularly participates in it.
To support oral development at home, I encourage families to review the reading homework sent home to reinforce classroom learning. Watching French television can also promote oral understanding. French channels are usually found on channels 12 and 13 (Rogers ).
The reading strategy that we will be focusing on in the upcoming weeks is retelling (summarizing the important parts of a story after reading it, or something that happened in our life).
The vocabulary that we use when retelling a story can be practiced at home.
Helpful words for retelling a story are:
Au début – At the beginning premièrement – first
Au milieu – In the middle et puis – and then
après - after
À la fin – At the end
finalement - finally
After reading a story at home, have your child recap what happened using the above vocabulary. Try to encourage them to include all important parts as well as retell the story in the same order it happened in the book.
Levelled books will be going home weekly in October. A letter will be going home soon. Please stay tuned.
In Term 1, students will learn various writing structures. This will be achieved through daily-modeled writing. In class, your child will write a personal entry (one short sentence for now) in her/his journal using writing conventions such as capitals, space between words and periods at the end of sentences.
In Math, we will be concentrating on Number Sense and Numeration. It is important that students are able to communicate mathematical thinking orally, visually, and in writing, using mathematical vocabulary. They will be learning this through solving math problems in class. More detailed explanations can be found on our Classroom’s blog ( to clarify what activities can be done at home to promote this math concept at your child.
In Science, we will be discussing seasonal changes and how living beings, including humans, adapt to them.
In Health, we will continue exploring 4 food groups and working out a healthy eating plan.
Please note that there is no school on October 13th.
Kindly refer to the weekly schedule in your child’s agenda to confirm what day we are on in order to assure your child comes prepared for Gym, Library and Swimming Pool.
A gentle reminder to check your child’s agenda on a daily basis.There might be important messages from teachers or just a new star sticker that will need your admiration. Our genuine joy for our children’s success is the best motivation for them to succeed even more.
Please remember to leave the agenda in your child’s backpack at all times to facilitate
communication between home and school. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions.
For October lunch menu, please check the school’s website or just google “October Menu Duke of Connaught”.
Thank you for your support and dedication to your child’s education!
Sincerely yours,
M. Volokhova
Room #20 Teacher
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