Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20

Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20
École Publique Duke of Connaught

Tuesday, 30 September 2014



Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),


Thank you to all of you for supporting our Grade 1 French Immersion programme at home. 

Weekly homework and Montre et raconte sessions are well done by 

all of the students. Bravo!


In October, we will continue to focus on phonics in our language programme. New little sound-of-the-week songs will be sung. We will keep learning reading and writing through our morning messages, sound of the week posters, leveled books, journals, little comptines. Please continue to remind your child when it is her/his Montre et raconte presentation day. You can find it in your child’s agenda. The program helps us promote speaking skills in French. It is crucial that your child regularly participates in it.

To support oral development at home, I encourage families to review the reading homework sent home to reinforce classroom learning. Watching French television can also promote oral understanding. French channels are usually found on channels 12 and 13 (Rogers ).  

The reading strategy that we will be focusing on in the upcoming weeks is retelling (summarizing the important parts of a story after reading it, or something that happened in our life).  

The vocabulary that we use when retelling a story can be practiced at home.

Helpful words for retelling a story are:

Au début – At the beginning     premièrement – first  

Au milieu – In the middle         et puis – and then 

après -  after

À la fin – At the end                  

finalement - finally


After reading a story at home, have your child recap what happened using the above vocabulary. Try to encourage them to include all important parts as well as retell the story in the same order it happened in the book.

Levelled books will be going home weekly in October. A letter will be going home soon. Please stay tuned.


In Term 1, students will learn various writing structures.  This will be achieved through daily-modeled writing.  In class, your child will write a personal entry (one short sentence for now) in her/his journal using writing conventions such as capitals, space between words and periods at the end of sentences. 


In Math, we will be concentrating on Number Sense and Numeration. It is important that students are able to communicate mathematical thinking orally, visually, and in writing, using mathematical vocabulary. They will be learning this through solving math problems in class. More detailed explanations can be found on our Classroom’s blog (http://toutlemondeabord.blogspot.com.) to clarify what activities can be done at home to promote this math concept at your child.


In Science, we will be discussing seasonal changes and how living beings, including humans, adapt to them.


In Health, we will continue exploring 4 food groups and working out a healthy eating plan.


Please note that there is no school on October 13th.

Kindly refer to the weekly schedule in your child’s agenda to confirm what day we are on in order to assure your child comes prepared for Gym, Library and Swimming Pool.

A gentle reminder to check your child’s agenda on a daily basis.There might be important messages from teachers or just a new star sticker that will need your admiration. Our genuine joy for our children’s success is the best motivation for them to succeed even more.

Please remember to leave the agenda in your child’s backpack at all times to facilitate

communication between home and school. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions.


For October lunch menu, please check the school’s website or just google “October Menu Duke of Connaught”.


Thank you for your support and dedication to your child’s education! 


Sincerely yours,

M. Volokhova  

Room #20 Teacher 





Saturday, 27 September 2014


This is what our Calendar and Math Board look like now. Please ask your child what he or she is supposed to do when they are presenting the activities. 


Social Studies Homework for Monday

As I informed you earlier, in Social Studies, students and I have been exploring rules and responsibilities that we need to know and to follow in different settings ( home, school, library, grocery store) or situations (recess, at the dinner table, talking to an adult). We also discussed how our rules and responsibilities change with time: as we grow older, we have more responsibilities.
This Monday, students will talk about the responsibilities that they have at home. I asked them to draw a picture of one or a couple of rules or responsibilities that they follow at home and prepare to talk about them in class. They can draw their picture on the last ( blank) page of the homework.
Please remind them to do so.
Thank you.


Next week, we will be wrapping up our math unit about patterns. In previous weeks, students learnt about that we can find patterns around us in everyday life. They learnt to extend and create patterns using manipulatives, colours, shapes, letters, numbers, sounds. Students are supposed to know by now that patterns may be of different types: colour, shape, number, size, etc. Or, colour and shape, shape and direction. Patterns also have a core( une régularité ),the part that repeats over and over again. Also, we can name the core: AB, AABBC, 123, etc.
Here are our learning goals for this math unit:

To be good at finding, extending, and creating patterns students need to remember this:

Next week, we will be working on our final project in patterning and write a test.


In Writing, students are learning to write words and sentences. To write a word, I encourage them to pronounce it loud and listen to the sound in order to decide what letter to put on the paper. Also, I encourage them to look for the words that they need in the printed matter around the classroom ( vocabulary posters). Soon, I will be introducing dictionaries and how to use them when they need to find a word.
Here are our learning goals in Writing.

Success Criteria in Writing (I know that I am doing well if I use all the strategies.):

We revise these strategies every day in class. Please feel free to ask your child what they are.


As you know, in class, we have started our Phonics programme. Students are learning to read in French by sounding out letters, putting them into syllables (les syllables), syllables into words ( les mots), words into sentences ( phrases). Also, they are learning to comprehend what they read. Here are our class learning goals in reading:
 When your child reads at home, please remind him or her about the importance of sounding out, putting syllables into words, reading sentences with the right intonation. In class, I teach them to use certain strategies in order to be successful readers and always ask if they used all the strategies they know to read and understand. Actually, these strategies are our success criteria in reading.
 Strategies to read: look at the picture, sound out every letter, look for a small word in a big one, never give up :).
Strategies for comprehending: read the words, look for the parts that I understand, e.g., bonjour; sound out, reread, guess.
En route vers lecture!


I would like to thank all the parents for supporting our Montre et raconte Programme at home.
All students participated in it last week. It was great to hear them speaking in French and sharing what they like and are interested in with their class friends and me. 
Please continue to encourage your children to speak French at school and remind them to bring their Montre et raconte objects to class. Their day is indicated in their agendas. As well, you can find the schedule at this bog.



Sunday, 21 September 2014

Earth Rangers Presentation Is on Monday, September 22 After Lunch


Index Cards

Students' index cards went home last Thursday. Please review them, correct the information if needed, and return them to school by September 30. 
Thank you to those of you who have done so already.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Phonics at Home

To support the phonics programme that we started in class, this app can be useful at home.

It Is All About Patterns

In Math this week, students are learning about patterns. They know that patterns are everywhere around us. It is a pattern when there is a part that repeats over and over again. The part that repeats might be colours, shapes, numbers, sizes, or shapes and colours, etc.
The patterns created by the students were put into three groups. Why? Ask your first grader to answer this question.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Rules and Responsibilities

In Social Studies, the students and I have been discussing the rules and responsibilities that we need to follow in school and in class. The stories about David helped us understand what rules are important.

We came up with a contract
that all of us signed, 
promising to follow the rules at all times. Ask your child about what the rules are.

Next, we will be discussing WHY it is important to know and follow rules at school, home, library, outside, etc. Please feel free to support this learning at home by talking to your child about this.

Morning Message

There is a message on our white board every morning. It is one of the many ways to learn how to read.   Students learn to recognize words that are frequently used in class, e.g., bonjour, c'est, comment ça va, etc. Besides, they refresh the concept of a sentence that starts with une majuscule (a capital letter) and has un point ( a period) at the end. 
This is what a typical morning message looks like. Feel free to ask your child to explain what we did with it in class.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Helpful Tecnology

It is not a secret that today's world of education would not be possible without use of modern gadgets.
SmartBoards, iPads, computers, ELMOs, you name it! Digitally presented information helps students focus better, pay attention to details, learn while playing. I always recommend parents of my students to look in that direction. If you have an iPad, tablet, iPhone, etc., you know already that there are tons of apps that let children play. You can also find numerous apps that are educational. I will be recommending some during this school year.
Here are few to start with. They are great to help children refresh and learn numbers, associate numbers and quantities; learn letters, sounds, start reading. If you chose to use the apps with your child, please remember that 15 - 20 minutes of practice per day will be sufficient for a Grade 1 student.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Homework in French

The first homework in French went home today. Students and I went through the routine of completing it at home. I explained to them that every day they do homework that is assigned for a particular day, e.g., today's portion is under Lundi/ Monday. They need to pronounce the sound 'a', underline words with a letter 'a', and circle pictures if they hear the sound 'a'. We did this part together, I.e., we read the words together and named the pictures.
Tomorrow I will lead them through the Mardi/Tuesday part of the homework. Please be advised that the homework is explained every day in class.
This week the focus is vowels/voyelles: a, e, i, o, u.

Tableau des maths

Math in Class

In Math, students ( with my help for now) do tableau des Maths on a daily basis. They count days of school in differen ways: with straws, traits, fishes, Canadian money. Today they learnt about a group of five, which prepares them to count by five. They also practice numbers in 100 number chart. They like very much the game that we play in class: I cover some numbers on the chart while they keep their eyes closed. On my signal, they need to find the numbers that are missing and say them in French. Also, they  describe the position of a number, e.g., 15 comes after 14, or 15 is between 14 and 16, etc. Feel free to practice the game at home as it contributes to recognizing numbers at random (as opposed to putting numbers in order while counting) and mastering names of numbers in French. 
During the next couple of days, we will start comparing numbers and master the concepts of 'more' and 'less' (plus et moins). The graphs that we made in class will help us with that.

C'est moi!

Today students completed their first project. C'est moi!  In English it would sound 'All About Me'. The colourful balloons tell so many interesting things about every student. Boys and girls were asked to draw and write about their families, friends, school, favourite toys, food, and colour. They worked very hard for three days. Today they were proud and excited to share their work with the class. They presented projects in French. They started their presentations with "J'aime..." Please feel free to ask your child about it. 

Indoor Shoes

Thank you to all of you who sent indoor shoes for the classroom.
The purpose of having indoor shoes in class is to keep the room clean. When the weather is wet, children bring mud on their feet, which spreads on the floor and the carpet. Children are not allowed to walk bare feet for safety reasons: with just their socks on, they can slip on the floor and fall, hurting themselves.
I think that running shoes are ideal for indoor footwear. Plus, your child will be always wearing appropriate shoes for the gym class. Please note that flip flops are not allowed. 
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Drop-off and Pick-up

There have been some unforeseen changes to the drop-off and pick-up procedure that I wrote about in the newsletter. From now on, students are to be dropped off at Exit 5 and picked up at the school's main entrance.
I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Forms and Agendas

Thank you all who filled out and sent in the first-day-of-school forms as well as agenda money. Your promptness is sincerely appreciated.
A gentle reminder to those of you who have not done so, please remember to return the forms by the end of the next week.

Day 3 - Piscine (pool)

Pool is scheduled for Day 3. The first session is happening tomorrow. Please provide your child with a towel and a swim suite in a plastic bag for that day.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Bonjour de la salle 20 a Duke of Connaught

Welcome to room 20 at Duke of Connaught!
My name is Mme Volokhova. I am excited to teach Grade 1 FI this school year.
On this blog you will find information on what is going on in our classroom.
A Newsletter explaining the routines in September is going home the first day of school. You will find it in your child's agenda. Meanwhile, have a look at what the classroom looks like.

Timetable is Posted

Our class's timetable is posted on the Horaire/Timetable page. Please have a look. Library day will be announced later.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. More details will follow.