Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20

Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20
École Publique Duke of Connaught

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Narrative writing project: "Une fille qui a changé toute l'école"

We have been working on narrative writing in class. For this project, we looked at only the pictures of a book and tried to write our own story (including an introduction, a problem and a solution) according to the pictures we saw. After writing this rough copy, everyone worked on a good copy that we will hopefully be able to read to one of the kindergarten classes. 

The Science Centre and a April-May Recap!

Bonjour à tous!
This is Mlle. Karrie and today is (or was, depending on when I manage to post this entry!) my last day working with your children and Mme. Volohova. It has been a whirlwind of a term and I’m sad to see it end so soon!

Recap of what we learned:
After the social studies unit on La communauté (mentioned in my first blog post), we continued with mass and capacity in math. Within this unit, we learned that the capacity of a container differs depending on what we are using to measure with. In mass, we investigated the weight of items using balances and learning vocabulary such as “lourd”, “léger” and “la meme que” (heavy, light, the same as). The unit ended with a quiz testing their knowledge and memory of the math concepts learned to date (ex: perimeter, area, length, width, mass, capacity…etc.)
In science, we looked at the energy in our lives; the types of energy around us, objects that use energy and their source of energy. We talked about the needs of plants, animals and people and making good food choices. At the beginning of the science unit, we planted 2 radish plants; providing one of them with sun and water while the other remained under the sink where it received no light and no water. The point was for the students to observe the importance of the sun. Both plants went home with the students tonight. Our energy unit ended with a trip that I planned to the Ontario Science Centre!

The field trip!
The trip to the Science Centre was a success! Before I continue, I would like to thank all the parents who volunteered to come with us on the trip. Regardless of whether or not you were able to join us, the trip would not have been able to come together without your support!
We had some time to explore the KidSpark area before attending a workshop on energy. During the workshop, the students reviewed terms such as: stored energy, movement energy and solar and light energy. We also had the opportunity to see different types of energy in action through free exploration. 

Please see the gallery below for pictures of our adventures at the Science Centre!

It was a pleasure meeting some of you and working with your children in the past months. I will miss everyone for sure!

Merci beaucoup,

Mlle. Karrie