Bienvenue à bord! Ici on apprend, on réfléchit, on discute, on cherche des résolutions, on s'amuse ensemble. En route vers les connaissances! Welcome aboard! Here, we learn, think, solve and have fun together. Off we go to hunt for knowledge!
Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20
Monday, 13 January 2014
Partage de Livre New Reading Program
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Monday, 6 January 2014
I wish all our families a wonderful year filled with health, happiness, joy, prosperity.
I hope that you enjoyed the winter holidays together with your child(‑ren). Thank you so much for the lovely holiday presents that you made for the kids and me at the end of 2013. Your kindness and generosity are very much appreciated.
We are back and have already begun our winter units based on further learning of French syllables, rules of reading, and writing. In Language, we will also be working on developing skills in reading comprehension including questioning and visualizing, poems writing, spelling and speaking. We will continue working on our Book Journals within the Program “Partage de livre”. Please check this blog shortly for further instructions.
In Math, we will be exploring measurement. This time, it will cover measuring time, money, length, and area. Also, students will be practising addition and subtraction.
In Social Studies, we are exploring the unit “Ma communauté”.
Our January activities will also include cross curricular assignments, activities on conflict resolution and team work. Also, this month, our class is in charge of taking care of recycling at school. It means that students will be helping to empty recycling bins for the whole school. Our class is responsible for the first floor. Grade 7/8 students will be taking care of 2nd floor recycling bins, as well as helping us in case it is necessary.
Dressing for the Season
This little song may help your child to remember all the necessary clothing items to put on to remain cozy and warm on a cold winter day!
C’est l’hiver mon mignon
Mets tes bottes doublés de mouton
Ton manteau boutonné jusqu’au nez
Mets ton foulard de laine
Et n’oublies pas tes mitaines
Car dehors, tu veras
Il fait froid!
It might be a good idea to provide an extra pair of pants and socks for your child as during recess time children’s pants and boots often get wet due to the weather conditions and children’s high activity levels.
Finally, just a reminder to all of you to continue to encourage your child to use French as much as possible in class and at home. In our class, the children continue earning incentive points for consistent use of French in their oral communication.
Please remind your child to continue to practise immersion routines at home. Let them read in French to you. Ask them to pronounce words/ expressions/ sentences in French, to count in French, to sing French songs, and recite French poems that they learn at school. Let them watch French TV programs (TV5, TFO), use the computer to browse the Internet sites that I provided at the beginning of the school year (you can also find them on our class’s blog), investigate French dictionaries together or let your child teach you how to do that. French CDs, DVDs, cartoons, and magazines might be of great help as well.
January 24 – PA Day, No school
Please check Clairlea’s Blog regularly for the school events
Thank you for all your support and co‑operation.