This is that time of the year again! Only a couple of weeks are left till our winter vacations. Last day of school will be December 19th. December 18 the will be our classroom holiday party. We would like to celebrate the 4 months stay-together in Grade 1. We all have become good friends, we have experienced our 'ups and downs', and we are real Grade 1 students now. We would like to congratulate each other on this occasion and wish so well deserved happy vacations.
Curriculum Focus in December
We will continue with Shared Reading Program that we started in November. Students learn how to make predictions and connections about a book contents. Decoding and comprehending skills are also promoted through this program.
In Writing, we will be mastering sentence writing skills in "Je compose une belle phrase". As well, Procedural Writing unit will be wrapping up.
L'objet mystère program is replaced by Mon journal de lecture presentations. Classroom books will be going home every day as before. On their day (the same as for L'objet mystère), students will be reading their book to the class and answer their friends' questions about the book. We practised it last week and started the program today, December 2nd.
In Math, we will be investigating data management, i.e., learning about collecting and presenting data through different types of graphs/charts. As usual, there will be a math page in every homework, that will give you an idea about what we do in class. You might opt to do some extra activities at home to promote the math concept under study.
In Social Studies, students will be learning about communities and working on time lines.
As usual, in case you have any questions about our learning activities or program, feel free to contact me at 416 396 6165.