Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20

Les petits rayons de soleil de la salle 20
École Publique Duke of Connaught

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Happy Passover !

Happy Passover to those families in our class, that celebrate it.

This Week Homework

Yesterday we went through Monday's homework, but I failed to hand the pages out to my students. The homework assignment is in your child's agenda now. Please remind him/ her to put it in the homework binder. I apologize for the inconvenience. The homework is due next Tuesday, April the 2nd.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Helpful Apps

We continue learning sounds in French. This app might be useful as an extra and fun practice at home. It can be downloaded on iPads, iPods, iPhones. Check it out.

The second app is to practise saying time in French. A good one too!

Online Homework Help

Dear Parents Guardians, and teachers,
RE: Free Online Homework Help in French

Voilà Learning is a not-for-profit organization mandated to provide programming and support for students studying in French Immersion, Grades 1-8.

Partnered also with school boards across the country and uniting dozens of French teachers, the team at Voilà Learning is excited to provide FREE ONLINE FRENCH HOMEWORK HELP to your children/students registered in a French Immersion program.

All your child needs is …
Access to a computer (at home)
An internet connection
A French and English-speaking teacher will be available online to help your child with his or her French homework on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

For more information and instructions on how to get your child connected, please visit:


Administrative Team at Voilà Learning

Mon journal

Mon journal is part of our writing programme. Students have been learning how to write a recount of events, poems. They have been doing a good job. We continue learning to ensure that a journal entry has all necessary sections in it. Also, we discuss grammar points and spelling. In grade 1 it is not easy to memorize all the rules and exceptions from them. Practising and repeating might be a better strategy at this point. That is why I encourage my students to practise writing the words and expressions in which they made mistakes: Work on mistakes. The pictures attached could help you understand how I make corrections in students' journals and what I would like them to practise. I also remind them to sound out what they are writing so that, later, it would be easier to check themselves with the questions: Does it sound good in French? Does it make sense? To avoid making the same mistakes in future. Please talk to your child about this, as well as about completing their work on time. I also ask you to kindly sign your child's last entry and send the notebook back to school tomorrow . Any questions? Feel free to contact me at school.
The last picture gives ideas about the themes to write on. Students are familiar with it too.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Cercles de lecture en classe

Today students finished practising how to get ready for, lead their group in discussion, and present their Cercles de lecture. The first sessions will take place this Monday, March the 25th. Please feel free to ask your child about what is happening in these photos and check their agendas for the day of presentation.

Le Jour de Terre dans la salle 111

What a lovely day we had in Rm 111 today!
We celebrated Earth Hour. We did our best to save the energy. The lights were turned off.
We did not use our Smart Board to do 'Le calendrier' activity. Still it was a hard work and ... fun.:)
We read this book and learned how to save our planet Earth by just following 10 simple rules. Anyone can do it! And...we all were wearing green today! What a spirit! Way to go Grade 1!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Plan d'étage

March Newsletter from Room 111

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our "Partage de livre" programme has come to an end. Thank you for your support and overseeing this homework as well as listening to your child reading and practising their presentations with them. You may wish to continue this exercise at home, using French books from your own collection or local library.
Cercles de lecture (Reading Circles) is replacing Partage de livre , starting Monday March the 25th, 2013. This week in class, we are practising the procedure and review the expectations.
Successful Cercles de lecture presentation involves home preparation. Each child will have a turn being a group leader once a week on their day ( please see your child' s agenda). Students will be required to read their book during week at home. On the day of the presentation, they will read it to their group. Students need to be ready to talk about characters, settings, problem, and its solution to effectively lead the group members in the book discussion. The Homework Page on the left  side bar of this blog has some directions how to prepare for a good discussion. Please remind your child to treat our class library books with care.

In March, we continue working on developing writing skills. Before March Break, students were exploring poetry. In small groups and individually, they created little poems about their favourite colour, 3d shapes, their friends. It was fun to learn writing this way! Also, students will continue practising writing in their journals.

In Math, students are exploring the concepts of mass and capacity. They are learning terms and engaged in hands on activities to understand how to measure these qualities of an object. As well, we will continue practising addition and subtraction that will help us solve math problems later.

In Social Studies, students are learning about their communities. Right now they are learning how to read and creat maps. This week, they have done a great work drawing floor plans of their houses.

To conclude, we are proud to let you know that we performed Pata Pata dance brilliantly during Clairlea's Panthers' Assembly together with the rest of the school.

Thank you for your support of and involvement into your child's education.
If you have any questions or concerns, please write a note to me in your child's agenda or call me at school.